Are you seeking a meaningful life transition?
Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and transformation. You are at a fork in the road at this stage of your life. Unable to determine if fear is holding you back from taking a leap of faith to make the changes you so desperately wish for or if blind devotion to your work, which no longer gives you energy, enthusiasm, or pleasure, leaves you at a standstill, you find yourself at a crossroads.
I’ve been there. More than once in my life! After selling my second company, I had the entire world open to me, yet I thought all doors were closed. The uncertainty of what’s next can liberate or stifle. It’s up to you. But sometimes, when we’re in the thick of change, we resist evolution and hope to stop the process of metamorphosis through a variety of subterfuge. One of them is inaction. There’s mental confusion, emotional victimhood, and perhaps a tinge of envy.
The trick to making the transition from one stage to another feel less like a burden is to jump in, metaphorically speaking, into the deep end. Just because you cannot see the bottom of the ocean doesn’t mean you will drown. Just because you may have messed up in the past doesn’t mean we will do so in the future. We learn from the past but are not living in the past.